Teacher Appreciation Week

Teacher Appreciation Week is May 6th-10th!

We have wonderful things planned for the teachers during Teacher Appreciation Week and we need YOUR help to show them how much we care! DONATE raffle items to the office (gift cards, school supplies, etc), or help us out with food or time!

Here are our plans:

  • Monday: Farmer’s Market Day at first recess (fresh fruit, veggies, baked goods, fresh juices at an outdoor “market” in the staff room).
  • Tuesday: Coffee Bar Day (we use Keurig machines to serve coffee, tea and hot chocolate).
  • Wednesday: Waffle Bar Day before school and at first recess (make fresh waffles with various toppings).
  • Thursday: Potluck Luncheon and Raffle (bring potluck items to make a wonderful luncheon!)
  • Friday: Dessert Fountain Day (chocolate fountains and various fruits, cookies, and cakes to dip).

We are looking for help in both donations (food, supplies, raffle items) and time. This is a big week of events and we could use all the help we can get! If you can help please email Rebecca Christman at rlchristman@comcast.net and let us know how you can help (time, donate items, etc). Also look for flyers and sign up sheets in your Thursday folder. Thank you!