Ways to Support the PTA

Hello Brookvale Families!

Thank you so much for your patience as we navigate our way to planning out events, activities and assemblies for this year. We are so grateful for the wonderful support received from our Brookvale staff and community and we would love to keep it going! Families have asked how they could support the PTA and the most important is monetary donations. Our goal is to raise at least $15,000 this year and this will go towards:

*Fall Carnival

*Trunk or Treat

*2-3 Assemblies (we’ve selected a couple of popular ones from the past that kids and staff really enjoyed)

*Reflections Art contest

*Winter Wonderland

*Teacher Appreciation Week

*Family Paint & Fun Nights

If you would like to make a donation, please go to our website:

Hopefully, you will be receiving a packet from your child’s teacher this week and all of the information regarding PTA membership and donations will be included.

On September 21 & 22, we will have a table out in front of the office after school and will sign up or renew PTA memberships and accept donations (checks and cash only) at that time.

Since the Fall Carnival and Trunk or Treat are coming up soon, we would love to add to our prize and giveaway stash!:) We created an Amazon Wish list and would be appreciative of any purchases made:


Or if you have items not on the list that you would like to donate for any of the events, please email communications@brookvalepta.com and I will make arrangements with you.

THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!! Brookvale has an amazing community and we look forward to a great year!