School Supplies

Hello parents,

It is already time to stock up on supplies for the school year. Before you go shopping, here is the supplies list that the teachers posted before school was out:

A few quick tips,

  1. Staples offers promotions where a ream of paper costs 50¢, so 5 reams of paper will cost less than $5, etc. When buying paper, make sure you stock up on a few extra reams. Teachers will need more around December and then again during March/April. This is a great time to stock up.
  2. Teachers prefer the Ticonderoga pencils as these break less and last a little longer.
  3. The magic eraser (white unscented ones) are easier for the students to use. They erase easy and also don’t tear the paper.
  4. If you teacher has asked for white board markers, then look for those that are low odor (Bic brand has these that are not expensive). If the kids are using them for working on the mini whiteboards, it is best to use those with less fumes, for you kids and the teachers.
  5. If you plan to do your shopping at Target, please consider linking your REDcard (visa or debit) to Brookvale. You save 5% and 1% goes to the school.

Happy shopping! And if you come across any coupons please do share for the benefit of others.