Brookvale PTA is a registered non-profit (#94-2931862) per IRS Code Section 501(c)(3). All donations to Brookvale PTA are 100% tax-deductible.
Donate online or Drop off your Donation + Membership forms and checks at the Collection booth from September 16 through Sept 20 at the PTA Table in front of the school office, available from 8:00-8:30am and 2:45-3:15pm.
Suggested Contribution: $50/Student
Please help us meet our goal this year! $20,000
Estimated costs for scheduled/proposed programs:
- Student assemblies – $6,000
First assembly – Kyle’s Tiernan’s Drawing Assembly on Oct 8! - Student support – $7,300
Thursday folders, choir, Music for Minors II, science camp, etc. - Community Events – $2,000
evening/weekend family, cultural, Science Sunday, outreach - Other Programs – $2,750
Reflections, movie nights, volunteer and teacher appreciation - AHS Scholarships – $1,500
- PTA administrative – $2000
insurance, membership fees to PTA council, etc. - required carry forward – $3,000