Box Tops Contest

Welcome to the Box Tops for Education (BTFE) program for the 2017-2018 school year! Our September contest deadline is October 13th (because we’re starting late!)

Families may collect Box Tops clips from any product with the Box Tops logo. Each clip is worth 10¢. That amount may seem small, but, since joining the program, Brookvale has earned $7,164.63! Those little clips add up! As an added incentive, the classroom that submits the most Box Tops each month will win two playground balls!

To participate:

  1. Collect Box Tops and attach them to the Box Top collection sheet or gather clips in a baggie.
  2. Bring all collected Box Tops (partially filled sheets are fine) to school to submit to the teacher.
  3. Include the teacher’s name or classroom number.


  1. Watch for expiration dates. Expired Box Tops are not accepted by BTFE.
  2. Submit Box Tops each month. Submit regularly to avoid having the clips expire.

Thank you for your taking the time to read about the program and collect all of those little pieces of cardboard! All money earned is sent to the Brookvale PTA and used to support our students.

For more information, visit: