During the PTA meeting on November 10th, Mr. Raul Parungao (Associate Superintendent – Fremont Unified School District) presented the following proposal for Brookvale Elementary school.
- New permanent construction is proposed at Brookvale for next school year. If approved, the construction would start by April 2016 and finish in time for the 2016-17 school year.
- The new proposal for Brookvale will include a two-story building with 8 classrooms and additional restrooms (in a grass area adjacent to portable classrooms that are next to MUR).
- This would add about 200 students, bringing the enrollment at Brookvale to around 900.
Here is a link to the PDF of the information that was presented at the meeting: Enrollment Update 11.10.15 Brookvale PTA
If the above measures go through, it may impact families and children that attend Brookvale. Some of the parents have raised concerns as currently there are no provisions to address:
- Increased capacity for other school facilities (Lunch area, Science lab, Library, Computer lab, MUR, and Playground)
- Safety in the Common areas
- Parking and traffic congestion
There is a FUSD board meeting tomorrow (Wednesday, November 18th) at 4210 Technology Drive, Fremont, CA 94538 @ 4:30PM. It would be a good opportunity for parents to attend this meeting and express their concerns.