Teacher Appreciation Week is May 5-9

We have wonderful things planned during Teacher Appreciation Week and we need YOUR help to show them how much we care! Here is what we have planned:

  • MONDAY: Farmer’s Market Day at first recess: We need volunteers to bring fresh fruits, veggies, baked good, fresh juices at an “outdoor market” behind the library.
  • TUESDAY: Coffee Bar Day
  • WEDNESDAY: Salad Bar Day (new!):  We need volunteers to bring toppings/dressings for salads (ie: chicken, egg, garbanzo beans, cheese, sunflower seeds, dressings).
  • THURSDAY: Potluck Luncheon and Raffle: We need volunteers to bring your best potluck dish to make for a wonderful luncheon, and to donate raffle items like gift cards, school supplies, or anything else a teacher would like.
  • FRIDAY: Dessert Fountain Day: We need volunteers to bring fruits, cookies, and cakes for teachers to dip into our chocolate fountain.

We are looking for help in both donations (food, raffle items) and time (day of help, committee planning help, assemble items at home). This is a BIG week of events and due to the WONDERFUL help in the past it has been a great success.  Please help us out if you can!  Email Rebecca Christman at rlchristman@comcast.net and let us know how you can help.  Also look for a sign up sheet to come home next week.  Thank you!