Thank You!

Thanks to everybody who came to our Ice Cream Social the other night! We had fun watching the slideshow of events from the past year. And thanks to all the parents who helped out so much this year! Here’s a few familiar faces, many of whom you’ll see next year too. (We’re sorry to say goodbye to those moving on to Junior High, we’ll miss you!)

2012-13 PTA Board

From left to right: Aparna Karra, Patty Fulton (Teacher Rep), Rebecca LeGates (newsletter), Brenda Godfrey, Kristin Goldthorpe (outgoing VP of Membership), Priya Raman (VP of Programs), Sheryl Ashford (President), Kellie Dobbert (outgoing Secretary), Sonali Aulakh (Treasurer), Elizabeth Long (incoming Secretary), and Michelle Soares (Historian)